Calathea 'Ornata' 4" Pot
Plant Profile
Scientific name: Calathea 'Ornata'
Common name(s): Pin-stripe Calathea, Zebra Plant, Prayer Plant
Family: Marantaceae
Native Range: Tropical South and Central America, Africa, and the West Indies
Description & Care:
The leaves of this prayer plant move with the rise and fall of the sun. The striped calathea has striking pink and green foliage making it very attractive, however, it does not flower very often indoors. The leaf of the Pin-Stripe Calathea grows at the end of long stems that require the right care and location in order to continue looking as healthy as possible and might not be quite a beginner plant to grow.
Light: Medium to bright indirect light, avoid strong direct sunlight
Water: likes its soil to stay evenly moist, so you can water it once the top few inches of soil dries out. Like other calatheas, they do not tolerate tap water well. Instead, use filtered water or let your tap water sit out for a while before watering, and try to avoid touching the leaves.
Temperature: 65-85F - loves warmer temperatures
Humidity: High
Feeding: Fertilize during active growth which typically occurs during the spring and summer months
Propagation: These are propagated using the division method. Divide clumps of leaf stalks and leaves with roots when it’s repotting time.
Common Pests: Look out for mealy bugs, spider mites, scales, and aphids
Toxicity: Non-toxic to humans and pet friendly