* It's normal for some leaves to drop and yellow during shipping and acclimation period *
Some plants just do not like to be shipped or moved. The plants may wilt and lose leaves, so do not panic because they need time to adjust from shipping and to their new environment. Do not repot, fertilize, or water if the soil is moist because these things can make the situation worse. Below are the steps you should take when your order arrives.
1. Unpack
- Carefully and immediately open your package.
- Gently remove wrapping so you do not tear plant foliage.
- Check the soil. If it is dry, lightly and evenly water the soil.
- Inspect your plants or pots for any damage. If you have any questions or find damage, PAUSE and take photos. Immediately, email the photos/video and a description of your problem or question to support@littleclaypot.shop
- If your plant is damaged from shipping, we ask that you do not make changes or alterations to the plant or pot prior to contacting us within the 48 hour period, otherwise you may void possible refund opportunity.
2. Transition
- To acclimate, give the plant bright indirect light. Avoid cold temperatures, placing the plant near heating/cooling vents and direct sunlight because it can burn the foliage.
- You may carefully prune any leaves that have yellowed during shipment.
- Over time you may want to adjust the humidity, temperature, and airflow levels in your home according to your plant's requirement so it can grow and thrive to it's fullest potential.
3. Repotting
- We recommend waiting at least 3 weeks before repotting your plant if you want or need to.
- Choose a pot size that is only 1-2 inches greater than the existing nursery pot.
- We recommend choosing a new planter that has drainage holes to allow airflow and prevent root rot.
- Use a well draining all purpose potting mix.
- Some examples of additives you can use to upgrade your normal potting mix include perlite, pumice, orchid bark, or charcoal. There are various other additives you can use depending on the type of plant and your watering requirements, but even adding just one can help immensely.
Be ready for your new plant!
We always encourage that you do research on your new plant before it arrives. This allows you to have a better understanding of what to expect and make proper arrangements for your plant's special needs. Youtube and google are great resources with videos on any topic you might need help with. You can also follow little clay pot on Instagram and Facebook for more plant tips and content.
Friendly reminder that it's okay to make mistakes! Even the best plant parents and experts have learned by making mistakes and losing plants for a variety of reasons. Mistakes are a part of growing, be kind to yourself!