Pothos 'N'Joy' - 4" Pot
Pothos 'N'Joy' - 4" Pot
Pothos 'N'Joy' - 4" Pot
Pothos 'N'Joy' - 4" Pot

Pothos 'N'Joy' - 4" Pot

Regular price $16.99 $0.00 Unit price per

Plant Profile

Scientific name: Epipremnum pinnatum aureum

Common name(s): Pothos, Devils Ivy, N'Joy

Family: Aracaea

Native Range: Southeast Asia

Description & Care:

Light: Medium to bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light, but the variegation will be more pronounced in brighter light

Water: Avoid overwatering by allowing the top inch or two of soil to dry between waterings.  

Temperature: 65-85F

Humidity: Medium to normal house humidity  

Feeding: Fertilize every other week or once a month during active growth which typically occurs during the spring and summer

Propagation:  Stem cuttings below the node

Common Pests: Look out for spidermites, mealybugs, and scale insect

Toxicity: Toxic to humans and pets